1: variables year, production;
2: parameter n = 1000;
3: parameter mu = 2000;
4: parameter sigma = 10;
5: tolerance = 1E-15;
6: function production = n*NPD(year,mu,sigma);
7: plot;
8: data;
Number of observations = 144
Maximum allowed number of iterations = 500
Convergence tolerance factor =
Stopped due to: Parameter convergence.
Number of iterations performed = 6
Final sum of squared deviations =
Final sum of deviations = 3.0560205E+000
Standard error of estimate = 1.02632
Average deviation = 0.65002
Maximum deviation for any observation =
Proportion of variance explained (R^2) =
0.9874 (98.74%)
Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination
(Ra^2) = 0.9872 (98.72%)
Descriptive Statistics for Variables
Variable Minimum
value Maximum value Mean value Standard dev.
---------- --------------
-------------- --------------
year 1860 2003 1931.5
production 0.005
26.62 6.593146 9.073928
Calculated Parameter Values ----
Parameter Initial
guess Final estimate Standard error t Prob(t)
---------- -------------
-------------- --------- -------
n 1000 1719.90837 42.54306
35.73 0.00001
mu 2000
1997.86545 0.8008207 2492.27
sigma 10 24.4382088 0.6031985
40.51 0.00001
Analysis of Variance ----
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F
value Prob(F)
---------- ---- -------------- -------------- --------- -------
Regression 2 11625.55 5812.776 5518.42 0.00001
Error 141
148.5211 1.053341
Total 143 11774.07